Dart RSS RSS parser and serializer for Dart
dart_rss: ^3.0.3
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What is RSS?

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an XML document format for announcing new blog posts, podcasts, and other media publications. For example, every podcast publishes an RSS feed, which is used by Spotify, Apple, and Amazon to discover new episodes.

Parse an RSS feed

Whether your RSS feed comes from a file, or a URL, you should first obtain a string representation of the feed. Then you can parse it with dart_rss.

import ‘package:dart_rss/dart_rss.dart’;

final String rssFeed = ...

// Parse an RSS2 or later format.
final rss2 = RssFeed.parse(rssFeed);

// Parse an RSS1 format.
final rss1 = Rss1Feed.parse(rssFeed);

// Parse an ATOM format.
final atom = AtomFeed.parse(rssFeed);

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Flutter Bounty Hunters

This package was built by the Flutter Bounty Hunters (FBH). The Flutter Bounty Hunters is a development agency that works exclusively on open source Flutter and Dark packages.

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